A7 PLUS Hybrid Nest with Sand Bed and Small Arena Complete Beginner Ant Setup

After 20 years of ant keeping, tests and observation of ant's life and habitat to provide
the best environment design for a competitive price.

How to set it up properly?

Please kindly check the pictures.

Ants are NOT included.

 A7 PLUS Hybrid Nest is formed by acrylic and PLA plastic with special substrate bedding.

The humidity area is filled with natural Greek Sea sponge and humidity lasts longer.

The connection between the nest itself and the humidity area is secured with stainless steel mesh.

A7 PLUS Hybrid Nest with sand bed and Small Arena Set could be connected

to the ant's test tube easily as it's "plug&play" job :-) using the queen's connection included in the setup.

Valid for the raise of ants, with a queen.

Natural and Ecological, also fully recyclable A7 PLUS Hybrid Nest with sand bed and Small Arena Set.

The A7 PLUS Nest + Outworld contains:

- 1x A7 PLA Hybrid Nest - 125x85x28mm

- 1x 3mm Red Acrylic Filter

- 1x 3mm Black Acrylic Cover

- 1x Ant Arena Outworld small 98x78x95 mm

- 1x Magnifying Glass
- 1x Plastic pipette
- 1x Connecting Kit
- 1x Test tube (Water Station) + Connector
- 1x Ant Sustrate Bag (approx. 200g)
- 1x Artificial Plants Set

Please make sure you are keeping your ants to the correct humidity.

Please note that due to the natural materials used, imperfections,

glue spots and/or tiny dents in the arena's surface may be present.

Please see the pictures carefully.

Good to know:

Before you connect the ant's test tube you should water the nest with mineral (bottled) water only

(the watering hole is where the yellow Greek sponge is).

Tap water may cause fungus to appear.

Fungus is deadly to most ant species.

Fill the water test tube with mineral water, then put the cotton on so it’s well sucked with water

and connected to the outworld.

Connect the nest to the outworld.

Leave the whole setup like so for a day at least (2-3 days is recommended).

Then remove the cotton ball out of the queen's test tube and connect it to the nest carefully

using the queen connection kit provided.

Wrap the ant’s test tube with tinfoil and leave it there for the first 10-14 days

and after that start to slide it out just 1-2mm every day.

Please be patient, your ants won’t move into the nest if they are not ready.

Your ant setup must be kept in no vibrations place (away from daily household activity) at room temperature.

Any temperature between 20 and 26 degrees is suitable for most ant species.

The red acrylic filter must stay on top of the nest all the time,

you can remove it once a week for 2-3 minutes to have a better look at your colony.

The same rule applies to black acrylic cover. Placed on top all the time.

You can remove it for 5-10 minutes daily and enjoy your queen ant with the red filter on.

Colonies failed due to lack of fresh water supply, lack of food and mostly due to a stressed-out queen.

Do not water the substrate inside the outworld at all. Feed your ants into the outworld ONLY.

Don’t expose your ants to direct sunlight or any heat/light source (lamps/bulbs)

trying to move them inside the nest quicker or you may harm your queen ant.

It is your responsibility to ensure you have undertaken enough research

to be able to look after the insects and provide them with the correct conditions.

Any questions, please let us know.

Happy "anting" :)

Thank you