
 (Hollywood Celebrity Actress)  (Photos Various) 8"X10"

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Born    Ludmila Babková

7September 1914

Prague,Kingdom of Bohemia, Austria-Hungary

Died    27 October 2000 (aged 86)


Nationality     Czech

Yearsactive   1931–1970

Spouse(s)        •Jan Kopecky  (m. 1947; div. 1956)  • Kurt Lundvall  (m. 1969; died 1972)

Lída Baarová (born Ludmila Babková; 7 September 1914 – 27October 2000) was a Czech actress who for two years was the mistress of theNazi propaganda minister of Germany, Joseph Goebbels.

Life and career

Born in Prague, Baarová studied acting at the city'sConservatory and received her first film role in the Czechoslovak film PavelČamrda's Career (Kariéra Pavla Čamrdy) at the age of 17. Her mother sang in achoir and appeared in several theatre plays; her younger sister, Zorka Janů(1921–1946), also became a film actress. In 1934, Baarová left Prague forBerlin after winning a contest at the UFA film studios for a role in the filmBarcarole. She met Adolf Hitler that year and he told her, "You look likesomeone who played a major role in my life, a very significant role".Hitler was referring to his niece, Geli Raubal.

In Berlin, she made a successful appearance in the filmBarcarole (1935), along with the German actor Gustav Fröhlich (1902–1987). Sheand Fröhlich, meanwhile divorced from the Hungarian opera singer Gitta Alpár,became lovers and starred together in several films. Baarová also performed onstage at the Deutsches Theater and the Volksbühne. She received several joboffers from Hollywood studios. She turned them down under pressure from theNazi authorities, but later regretted it and claimed to her biographer, JosefŠkvorecký: "I could have been as famous as Marlene Dietrich."

After her engagement to Fröhlich, the couple moved toSchwanenwerder island on the outskirts of Berlin, where their house was closeto the residence of Joseph Goebbels, a leading member in the Nazi government ofHitler with a decisive voice in German film production and Nazi cinema.Baarová, still working for the UFA studios, met him when Goebbels visitedFröhlich's home in 1936. Gradually, they became closer and, under the urging ofGoebbels, started a relationship that lasted over two years. Their love affaircaused serious complications between Goebbels and his wife Magda. When theminister began to show up in public with his mistress, Magda Goebbels in turnbegan an affair with Goebbels' state secretary Karl Hanke and eventually askedHitler for permission to divorce her husband. According to Baarová's ownstatements, she herself, fearing Goebbels' wounded pride, approached thedictator for help.

Hitler intervened on 16 August 1938 and rebuked hisminister, stating that in view of his "perfect marriage" as well asthe coming annexation of the Sudetenland, his affair with a Czech actress wasan impossibility. Baarová was told by the Berlin chief of police Wolf-Heinrichvon Helldorff that she had to quit her relationship with Goebbels immediatelyand was prohibited from performing on Hitler's direct order.[3][4][5] Herrecently completed film A Prussian Love Story, which depicted the love affairbetween Wilhelm I and the Polish princess Elisa Radziwill, and was athinly-veiled reference to Goebbels and Baarová, was banned, and not shown intheatres until 1950 as Liebeslegende ("Story of Love"). Paid shillsyelled out "Get out, minister's whore" when Baarovà's characterappeared on the screen at the premiere of Der Spieler ("TheGambler"), and did not stop until the showing was halted.[citation needed]The film's run was ended and the actress had a nervous breakdown. She tried tocontact friends in Hollywood, with an eye to going there, but Hitler told herthat she could not leave the country. Followed by the Gestapo wherever shewent, ordered by Helldorf to stop making public appearances, and pressed by herfriends, in the winter of 1938–39 Baarová fled back to Prague. There, she wastemporarily allowed to perform under German occupation and, in 1942, moved toItaly, where she starred in such films as Grazia (1943), La Fornarina (1944),Vivere ancora (1945) and others.

After Allied troops occupied Italy, she had to return toPrague. In April 1945, however, Lída Baarová left Prague for Germany again. Onthe way, she was taken into custody by the American military police, imprisonedin Munich, and later extradited to Czechoslovakia.

Post-war years

In Czechoslovakia in 1945, Baarová and her family were takeninto custody on suspicion of collaboration with the Germans during the war. Hermother died under interrogation; her sister Zorka committed suicide in 1946.She herself was released after 18 months of custody due to lack of evidence.She had never been convicted or sentenced. While in custody, she was oftenvisited by the puppeteer Jan Kopecký and they eventually married on 27 July1947. Kopecký was a close relative of Václav Kopecký, a prominent politician inthe post-war government of Czechoslovakia. Kopecký's prominent relative did notapprove of the marriage and Kopecký lost his job as a result. Kopecký emigratedto Argentina, leaving Lída behind to recuperate in the sanatorium of Dr.Lundwall.]

In Austria in 1949, the actress attempted a comeback, butwhen the Austrian-British actor Anton Walbrook withdrew from a film where hewas cast with her, she left for Argentina to escape the resulting negative media.Living in extreme poverty, she decided to return to Italy. Her husband stayedin Argentina and they were divorced in 1956. Back in Italy, she appeared inseveral films, including Fellini's I Vitelloni (1953), where she played thewife of a rich merchant. In 1958, she moved to Salzburg, where she againperformed on stage. She married Austrian physician Kurt Lundwall in 1969; hedied in 1972.

After the fall of Communism in Europe

In the 1990s, Baarová re-appeared on the cultural scene ofthe Czech Republic. She published her autobiography. A film, Lída Baarová'sBittersweet Memories, was released in 1995 and won an award at the 1996 ArtFilm Festival in Trenčianske Teplice, Slovakia.

Later life and death

Baarová suffered from Parkinson's disease and died in 2000in Salzburg, while living alone on the estate she inherited after the death ofher second husband, Dr. Lundwall. Her ashes were interred in Prague's StrašniceCemetery, where she rests with her parents and her sister Zorka.[citationneeded]

In popular culture

In 2016, a dramatization of Baarová's life was set on filmin The Devil's Mistress (Lída Baarová) by Filip Renč, with Tatiana Pauhofovástarring as Baarová, Karl Marcovics as Goebbels, and David Novotný as UFA'shead of production Ernst Hugo Correll.


             ObráceníFerdyše Pištory ("Conversion of Fred Pištora", 1931)

             KariéraPavla Čamrdy ("Pavel Čamrda's Career", 1931)

             Zapadlívlastenci ("Forgotten Patriots", 1932)

             Lelíčekve službách Sherlocka Holmese ("Lelíček in Sherlock Holmes' Service",1932)

             Šenkýřkau divoké krásky ("Waitress at the Wild Beauty's Bar", 1932)

             Růžovékombiné ("The Pink Slip", 1932)

             Malostranštímušketýři ("Prague's Musketeers", 1932)

             Funebrák("The Undertaker", 1932)

             Jsemděvče s čertem v těle ("Funky Girl", 1933)

             Madla zcihelny ("The Brickmaker's Daughter", 1933)

             Okénko("The Window", 1933)

             Sedmávelmoc ("The Seventh Superpower", 1933)

             Jejílékař ("The Physician", 1933)

             Pokušenípaní Antonie ("Antonia's Temptation", 1934)

             Pán naroztrhání ("Man in Demand on All Sides", 1934)

             Na růžíchustláno ("Easy Life", 1934)

             ZlatáKateřina ("Golden Kate", 1934)

             Dokud mášmaminku ("As Long as your Mother is Alive", 1934)

             GrandhotelNevada ("Grand Hotel Nevada", 1934)

             One TooMany on Board (1935)

             LeutnantBobby, der Teufelskerl ("Lieutenant Bobby, the Daredevil", 1935)

             Barcarole("Barcarolle", 1935)

             Verräter("The Traitor", 1936)

             DieStunde der Versuchung ("The Hour of Temptation", 1936)

             Švadlenka("The Seamstress", 1936)

             Komediantskáprincezna ("The Comedian's Princess", 1936)

             Patrioten("Patriots", 1937)

             Lidé nakře ("People on the Floating Ice", 1937)

             Panenství("Virginity", 1937)

             DieFledermaus [it] ("The Bat", 1937)

             DerSpieler ("The Gambler", 1938)

             PreußischeLiebesgeschichte ("A Prussian Love Story", 1938, banned; released in1950 as Liebslegende "Story of Love")

             Maskovanámilenka ("The Masked Lover", 1939)

             Ohnivéléto ("Fiery Summer", 1939)

             Artur aLeontýna ("Arthur and Leontine", 1940)

             Život jekrásný ("Life Is Beautiful", 1940)

             Dívka vmodrém ("Girl in Blue", 1940)

             Zatichých nocí ("In the Still of the Night", 1941)

             Paličovadcera ("Arsonist's Daughter", 1941)

             Turbina("Turbine", 1941)

             Grazia("The Charming Beauty", 1943)

             Ticonosco, mascherina! ("Masked Girl, Recognised!", 1943)

             LaFornarina ("The Baker's Daughter", 1944)

             IlCappello da prete ("The Priest's Hat", 1944)

             L'Ippocampo("The Sea-Horse", 1944)

             Vivereancora ("Still Alive", 1944)

             La suastrada ("Its Way", 1946)

             Labisarca ("The Car Transporter", 1950)

             Gliamanti di Ravello ("The Lovers of Ravello", 1950)

             Carneinquieta ("Restless", 1952)

             Lavendetta di una pazza ("Revenge of a Crazy Girl", 1952)

             IVitelloni ("The Bullocks", 1953)

             Gliinnocenti pagano ("What Price Innocence?" 1953)

             Pietà perchi cade ("Compassion", 1954)

             Miedo("The Fear", 1956)

             LaMestiza ("The Mestiza", 1956)

             Viaje denovios ("Honeymoon", 1956)

             We're AllNecessary (1956)

             Rapsodiade sangre ("Ecstasy", 1957)

             El batallónde las sombras ("The Battalion in the Shadows", 1957)

             Retorno ala verdad ("The Truth Will Set You Free", 1957)

             Il cielobrucia ("The Sky Burns", 1958)

             Životasladké hořkosti Lídy Baarové ("Lída Baarová's Bittersweet Memories",1995)

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