Bread fruit ('Del')

Health Benifits:

Breadfruit leaves (Arthocarpus altilis) can be used for the treatment of various diseases, such as liver disease, hepatitis, enlarged spleen, heart, kidney, high blood pressure and diabetes, using breadfruit leaves are rich in compounds of flavonoids to prevent the increase in blood cholesterol levels , It also will help the community in the field of economic empowerment in particular.

Breadfruit leaves are solid green used in this study because the leaves are dark green more compounds possessed compared with light green leaves. Flavonoids are one of secondary metabolites, the possibility of its existence in the leaves is affected by the process of photosynthesis so that not too many young leaves contain flavonoids. Flavonoids are phenolic compounds contained in plant pigment, red, yellow, blue and purple. Breadfruit leaves effectively treat diseases such as liver, hepatitis, enlarged spleen, heart, kidney, high blood pressure, diabetes and also to cure skin swelling or itching. Substances contained in its leaves could also able to overcome the inflammation in the liver, spleen enlargement, coroner of the heart, inflammation of the kidneys, high blood pressure, and diabetes [2][3][4]. Oils are triglycerides composed of fatty acids are liquid at room temperature (25oC) and mengadung more unsaturated fatty acids so susceptible to oxidation. Oil in the solid form can be called fat [5][6]. Mandar excellence origin used cooking oil because it has a distinctive aroma, is still the traditional way of making which is still maintained today, but it is also used as a cooking oil because of its nonpolar solvents, as well as materials used for massage. Cooking oil is an ester that is easily oxidized resulting in the formation of free fatty acids. Damage to the quality of cooking oil can also be affected by improper storage and packaging that is not good. When oil kept too long in place where the temperature above room temperature, the oil will be susceptible to oxidation, because any increase in temperature of 15oC rate of oxidation is doubled.