Here is an original Ringling Bros. Artist's Contract for "Ballet Girl" Miss Lotan Shubert that is dated Jan. 27, 1912.  It is printed on both sides of an approx. 8 1/2" by 17" piece of paper that has a Ballet Girls Rules supplement attached to the upper left corner ("Flirting and boisterous conduct at all times and places prohibited").  There are 5 horizontal fold marks and the contract is signed by JH Adkins (Jess Adkins, an accountant and superintendent of the show) and Miss Shubert.  The exact measurements of the artists' trunk is highlighted in red on the contract and the services rendered ("Dance in ballet etc.") is typed in at the top with a salary of $8.00 a week.  The document is in great shape.  A wonderful circus and Ringling Bros. collectible!  Thanks for looking at this auction.