1635 1ed Political Emblems ART Marcus Boxhorn Illustrated Emblemata LAW Janson


Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn was a well-known 17th-century Dutch scholar and professor of linguistics. While Boxhorn primarily studied European languages, he also published a treatise on civil and criminal law, ‘Diquisitiones Politicae’. This work is a survey of laws, decrees, punishments, and even executions for various crimes. This book was followed by a book of emblems heavily influenced by ‘Diquisitiones Politicae’. This 1635 first edition of Boxhorn’s “Emblemata Politicae’ contains all 19 expected engravings.


Item number: #19240

Price: $599


BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius


Marci Zuerii Boxhornii Emblemata politica, & oration


Amstelodami : Ex Off. J. Janssonii, 1635. First edition.


·       Collation: Complete with all pages

o   [28], 258, [2]

o   19 engravings

·       Language: Latin

·       Binding: Vellum; tight and secure

·       Size: ~5.25in X 3in (13cm x 7.5cm)


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