Y is for the Yabby – the most widespread Australian crayfish. Catching yabbies is a popular past-time among Australian children and their sweet-flavoured meat a delicacy enjoyed by many. Found in freshwater dams and waterways across Australia, the anticipation of pulling in a yabby net or waiting for a yabby to grasp the bait on the end of a line can be associated by many, with the spoils usually being cooked in boiling water and eaten plain. They have an impressive scientific name, Cherax destructor, and so it’s no wonder yabbies are often found missing a claw or a limb, usually from an aggressive encounter with a fellow yabby or predator.

Letter: Y
Presentation: Packaged in a Great Aussie Coin Hunt 2 Sleeve
Mint: Royal Australian Mint
Issue Date: 10 May 2021
Finish: Uncirculated
Metal: AlBr (Aluminium Bronze) 
Denomination: $1
Weight ? coin only: 9g
Weight ? packaged coin: 18g
Package dimensions: 69.16mm x 74.39mm (L x H)