
You will get all the  Near Mint card/s mentioned below.

SGX1-ENC01 "Ojama Yellow"

SGX1-ENC02 "Ojama Green"

SGX1-ENC03 "Ojama Black"

SGX1-ENC04 "V-Tiger Jet"

SGX1-ENC05 "Chiron the Mage"

SGX1-ENC06 "Armed Dragon LV3"

SGX1-ENC07 "Armed Dragon LV5"

SGX1-ENC08 "Armed Dragon LV7"

SGX1-ENC09 "W-Wing Catapult"

SGX1-ENC10 "Ojama Red"

SGX1-ENC11 "Ojama Blue"

SGX1-ENC12 "Polymerization"

SGX1-ENC13 "Ojama Delta Hurricane!!"

SGX1-ENC14 "Ojamagic"

SGX1-ENC15 "Tri-Wight"

SGX1-ENC16 "Ojamatch"

SGX1-ENC17 "The Grave of Enkindling"

SGX1-ENC18 "Super Rush Recklessly"

SGX1-ENC19 "Spikeshield with Chain"

SGX1-ENC20 "Wall of Disruption"

SGX1-ENC21 "Ojama King"

SGX1-ENC22 "VW-Tiger Catapult"

SGX1-ENC23 "Ojama Knight"