Beautiful Collection I have, 
I have been collecting these for several years
I am letting go / I need to downsize - planning a big move 
you will receive several items... 
My plan was to frame these but never got around to it. Life happens. You do not want to know what I paid for these in an Ebay auction, much more then I am listing them at. My loss - your gain. 
More of my collection will go up for sale in the next few weeks. 

you will receive, amazing wall art menu advertising and set up food prep / advertising / with notes (you will receive 12 advertising food prep ad display wall art, (original)  9.25 x 7.25, as I tell the story of each, I will describe the front and let you know what the notes say on the back
  1.  Famous Brown Derby Cobb Salad, Green in color, notes on back, put on yellow background, chop edges on bowl, leave off brown derby price 1.99
  2. French Toast, 89 cents, yellow background, no notes
  3. 3 Decker Delite! Club Sandwich, Slice Turkey Breast Crip Bacon lettuce and tomato, yellow background, notes background light green, chop edges of plate, price 1.79 (Traditional Club)
  4. Breakfast is Ready French Toast, Try it with orange juice n piping hot coffee (my thought I love the coffee mug in the picture) notes background Okay, take off; breakfast is ready, orange juice, coffee, try it with orange juice n pipin hot coffee. Price 89 cents background same as cobb salad
  5. Pattie Melt, 1.75 orange background, no notes
  6. Strawberry Shortcake a la WAGS, 69 cents, green background, no notes
  7. Full three-quarter pound F Bone Steak, broiled just the way you like it,  notes T- Bone Steak, Chop edges, add tossed salad, lighter background price 3.25
  8. (One of my fav meals at WAG'S) Our Famous Pattie Melt, grilled on rye with French Fries (to top it off i always asked for a side of brown gravy to dip my fries in) notes, lighter orange, chop edges of pattie melt, price 1.75
  9. Sensational Strawberry Shortcake, a la Wag's, notes green background price 69 cents enlarge shortcake, with a drawing 
  10. Cobb Salad 1.99, notes background S yellow, red use black for red
  11. T Bone Steak Tossed Salad 3.25, notes I am not sure what is written , something 7 then 90 red then 5 blue 
  12. Traditional Club 1.79, green background, notes background S yellow, use black process  

 I think these would be from the 70's   

Awesome Condition 

Some of my fondest memories surround being in a WAG's Restaurant with friends and family 

I was going to frame items,  never got around to framing these
other items to be listed soon
does anyone remember the sign hanging behind the cash register? I have one..... that I think I may list

enjoy winning these items