FENIX Training and Development - The Online and e-Training Specialists

There has never been a better time to invest in Training and Development.  OK, yes there is a Global Recession at present but this should be viewed as an opportunity to plan for the future, not an opportunity to cut the Training Budget.  Invest in your employees now and you will:

What happens if you stop investing in training?

When you stop investing in training, people are likely to stop feeling committed to your organisation. Even in a recession, they’ll start looking around for other roles. They’ll assume that lack of training means that either they, or the organisation as a whole, are on the way out. The result? Rising turnover, poor recruitment and lack of skilled staff. Potentially, even, a failing organisation.

Don't commit corporate suicide, invest in your future success now!  Take a look at how we can help you:


Coaching Skills



There are many definitions of exactly what is coaching and it is worth spending a bit of time understanding what coaching means if you are going to invest your time and money.


Coaching is a powerful tool that can help you to make changes in your business or career, improve your performance, enhance your relationships with others or develop specific skills. To further clarify exactly what is coaching, here are a couple of definitions from two well-known coaching experts:


Coaching is “unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them learn rather than teaching them" (Whitmore, J, 2004)


Coaching is "a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be successful, a coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which coaching takes place" (Parsloe, Eric, 1999)


So, how does coaching differ from other interventions such as teaching and instruction? With training and instruction the emphasis is on the trainer imparting knowledge to you, the ‘coachee’ whilst with coaching the emphasis is on the coach asking you questions to allow you to explore your own resources and solutions for moving forward.



Course Content


  • Coaching Learning Styles
  • The Training Cycle
  • How to Structure a Training Session
  • Effective Feedback and Effective Coaching



Here’s what you will receive:


  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Session Plan
  • Trainer Notes
  • Delegate Workbook
  • Supporting Documents



Good Coaching can bring about massive changes, develop potential, improve communication and morale and promote success.  Coaching should not be seen as a separate task to be undertaken by management, it should go ‘hand in hand’ with your employee development strategy for continuous improvement.

This training package will be forwarded to you via e-mail once your payment has been processed.

If you have any other training or development requirements please feel free to get in touch with your requirements.