
Condition: Used
Format: CD
Release date: Feb 25, 2004

Content introduction:
The soundtrack, which features an orchestra and has a magnificent and mysterious gothic feel, is created by Hikaru Nanase, who has worked on many works including ``Scrapped Princess''. In addition to the BGM of the work, the TV size version of the OP & ED theme and "Azmaria's Zessho" sung by Sako Chiba, who plays the role of Azmaria, are additionally included!

Media coverage reviews, etc.
Soundtrack of a popular TV anime starring the beautiful sister Rosette and the handsome devil Chrono. The music is by Hikaru Nanase, and includes a TV-sized opening and ending.

1 Prologue
2 モンスターの出現
3 エクソシストのテーマ
4 予感~対峙
5 聖なる祈り
6 賛美歌
7 アズマリアの絶唱
8 クロノの発動~飛翔
9 光と闇の戦い
10 ミリティア出動
11 契約
12 出会い
13 すれ違う心
15 アズマリアの孤独
16 安らぎと希望
17 愛らしいアズマリア
18 ドジで間抜けなロゼット
19 ハイテンションのロゼット
20 ロゼット大活躍
21 夢見る少年~ヨシュア
22 クロノの優しさ
23 冷徹な微笑み
24 惨劇の記憶
25 アストラルライン
26 翼はPleasureLine(TVsize)
27 さよならソリティア(TVsize)