This very rare advertisement was acquired in 1997 in San Francisco. 
This series of large scale poster (4 feet x 6 feet) was only available for Bus Stop shelters, not for public collection.
These type of poster is particularly unique in size and in quality due to the fact it can be back light illuminated
This was of course for the purpose of night time viewing as an advert. 
*In other words the poster is semi-transparent and as such the backside of the poster has the image in reverse !

Though the poster is not perfectly untouched/mint, it has been well taken care of and I don't believe you can find a better one, if at all.  ( I have another in this series if interested — for serious inquiries only ).

Background: the campaign was controversial at the time due the simi-exploit to use famous intellectuals and influential iconic people to sell products. Regardless if it was a bit pretentious of Apple to align itself with such great icons the company has certainly proven its impact/ influence on the world.  

Wiki info : 
"Think different" is an advertising slogan used from 1997 to 2002 by Apple Computer, Inc., now named Apple Inc. The campaign was created by the Los Angeles office of advertising agency TBWA\Chiat\Day. The slogan has been widely taken as a response to the IBM slogan "Think" It was used in a television advertisement, several print advertisements, and several TV promos for Apple products. As of 2020, "Think different" was still printed on the back of the box of the iMac, and possibly elsewhere.  Print advertisements from the campaign were published in many mainstream magazines such as Newsweek and Time. Their style was predominantly traditional, prominently featuring the company's computers or consumer electronics along with the slogan. There was also another series of print ads which were more focused on brand image than specific products. Those featured a portrait of one historic figure, with a small Apple logo and the words "Think different" in one corner, with no reference to the company's products. Creative geniuses whose thinking and work actively changed their respective fields where honored and included: Jimi Hendrix, Richard Clayderman, Miles Davis, Billy Graham, Bryan Adams, Cesar Chavez, John Lennon, Laurence Gartel, Mahatma Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt and others.