The title of this anthology fanzine Bloodstripe 2.  It has stories based on Han Solo. Published by Solo Press in 2001. It is 250 pages. It is in good condition with normal wear from reading. 

Not a Nice Man by Adrienne. ("Han does a deal with Rieekan to get more smuggler friends involved with helping the rebels. What is it about this deal that he hopes no one else ever finds out?" Another description: "Following the battle of Yavin, Han Solo finds himself drawn ever more deeply into friendships and responsibilities that may ruin his image as an uncaring

mercenary. What common bond does he share with Leia and Luke?")

Relations by Judy Ebberley ("Only recently finding his father, Han Solo is in for even more shocks.")

Untitled by Alison Glover.

Pursuit of the Heart (part 1) by Mikell Johnson. ("What would have happened if Han and Leia had met while he was still an Imperial Officer?")

Those Who Survive by TJ Perkins. ("Why was Han in such a hurry to leave Mos Eisley the day he met Luke and Ben?" Another description: "Jabba the Hutt has just posted a huge bounty for Han Solo's capture - dead or alive. The docking bay at Mos Eisley is crawling with those eager to collect the prize.")

Crash by Helen Potter. ("No one could survive emotionally undamaged after seeing their entire world destroyed. Who will be there for Leia when the trauma hits home?")

A Revolting Discovery (titled "A Revolting Development" on a flyer) by Annette Stickles. ("Han is kidnapped by an insane wookiee who wants to take revenge on Chewbacca." Another description: "While visiting Chewbacca's family, Han is captured by another Wookiee who has very nasty plans for him. Can Leia and Chewie come to the rescue in time?")

Ghost Ships by Martha Wilson. ("Han and other rebels are captured by Lord Tion's Star Destroyer. Can they escape and at what cost?" Fifth story in the Arandu Series. First appeared in Bright Center of the Universe #2, reprinted in The Renegade and the Rogue)

Getting Under the Skin by Alison Glover ("Han, Luke, Leia and Chewie find they have accidentally picked up a souvenir from the Death Star.")

Operation Antidote by Carolyn Golledge ("This story is best read as a sequel to A Certain Courage. Han discovers the Imperials have poisoned the woman scientist friend he recruited for the Rebels. Can he find the antidote in time? To do so he must confront an old enemy." Another description: "Han has helped recruit a scientist friend to the Alliance. What can he do when he learns she has been poisoned by an Imperial Commander, a man who has harbored a personal grudge against Solo since their days together in the Imperial Academy?")

More stories by ZP Florian, Vicki Lawrence and others.

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK CARTOONS five hilarious cartoons by Zawiah Zainudin (a 2001 Fan Quality Award winner for best Star Wars artist)

Father Figure by Judy Ebberley ("Han is worried that Chewbacca may feel left out now that Han has found his father.")

Hair of the Gundark by Z.P. Florian ("Post The Empire Strikes Back alternate—a very different take on Han’s rescue from Jabba.")

Filks by Traci Thompson and others

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