This comes with a 
  • High Distinction Notes in Pdf. 83 pages for the official CPA Australia Study Guide CPA Financial Reporting (To be delivered via email upon payment receipt)

The author is an international best seller for CPA Australia study notes, helping candidates across the world taking the CPA Australia exam achieve success.

After scoring a perfect accounting score at high school, the author studied a BCom at Melbourne University and won a maximum of three Deans Honours List which eventuated in being bestowed the BCom undergraduate medal, awarded to the best graduating commerce scholar over their three years of study. The author proceeded to study a masters in the field of accounting while working full time in the corporate world and graduated on the Melbourne Business School Deans Honours List. Having a combination of professional experience and academic success, the author blasted through six CPA exams in one year without the aid of any external tuition and scored high distinctions for Ethics and Governance, Strategic Management Accounting, Financial Reporting and Advanced Audit and Assurance and distinctions for Global Strategies and Leadership and Advanced Taxation.

Now a fully qualified CPA, the author has since updated the notes to incorporate student feedback for further refinements.

Best of Luck for the exams