02/24/2022. The beginning of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine!
Ukraine  2022   FDC "M" "Good evening, we are from Ukraine!" 

                    The Registered letter went through real mail in Kiev.

Greeting "Good evening, we are from Ukraine!" became iconic in 2022 after the russian military invasion of Ukraine. Today, journalists, officials and military personnel start their broadcasts with this phrase, it sounds in musical tracks.

According to the author of the postal edition, Anastasia Bondarets, her drawing is about the fact the every Ukrainian, by virtue of his own capabilities, does everything that depends on him/her to bring our Victory closer.

                                     All items are original and authentic, released by "Ukrposhta" ! ! !
By buying items from Ukrainian sellers, you are helping Ukrainians resist Russian aggression.
                                      T h a n k   y o u   v e r y    m u c h   f o r   y o u r   s u p p o r t !