Carved Kimberley Boab nut
 Nut is 19 cm long (including the stem) and 10 cm wide
 The carvings are of a goanna, bird and tree
signed by the artist Bonny Sampi

 Bonny Sampi is a Bardi man born in Lombadina, a small community North of Broome. Born in 1936, Bonny came down to Broome in 1952 In his life he has worked as a Drover/stockman all over the Kimberley's, Northern Territory and right across to the Queensland border. He has also been a Deckhand and a Tender on the Pearling Luggers. Bonny learnt to carve Boabs from Bazil (Buck) Albert back in the 50's. Bonny only uses a Knife for his creations and his Boabs can be found in collections all over the world. 

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