Note for the reader : 

The miraculous profile of the Saints often is determined by the mode of martyrdom.
Until the seventeenth century. The medicine combines therapeutic practices and supernatural thaumaturgy 

(Thaumaturgy from the Greek words θαῦμα thaûma, meaning "miracle" or "marvel" and ἔργον érgon, meaning "work" is the capability of a Saint  for a supernatural intervention in the life of human beings


St Anthony of Padua 7th centenary death - 1231-1931 !

Provenience : Padua
Period : 1931

NOTE : STUNNING St Anthony of Padua relic for the 7th centenary death - 1231-1931 - Padua - 1931 !!!

 : eBay policy prohibits the sale of human remains and requires a disclosure of what the relics are: these relics are clothes or vestibus, which are allowed by eBay policy. They are sacred and devotional relics of the Church.

belonging to my private collection