This is a new, in-the-box vintage bust of Gandalf the Grey. It is a 1/4 scale Polystone bust. Perfect for the Hobbit enthusiast. Great for Christmas present. Ideal for anyone, anywhere

The detail on this bust is extremely exquisite, showing the likeness of actor Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey. Playing Gandalf wasn’t simply memorizing one’s lines, walking onto the set and reciting them when Peter Jackson yelled “Action!” No. Ian McKellen brought so much more to this character. It wasn’t just putting on the costume of a prosthetic nose, a fake beard, bushy eye brows, a grey cloak, pointy hat and holding a staff. While all of this helped him, McKellen also took it to deeper levels, basing Gandalf’s accent on J.R.R. Tolkien’s very own, and not just memorizing the lines, but taking them in and making them one with Gandalf’s entire look. When Ian McKellen walked on the set and “Action!” was called, thanks to all this preparation, McKellen ceased to exist and Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White was born, speaking words from the very depth of the Wizard’s soul, his voice reflecting his emotions as well as his facial features showing Gandalf’s feelings. Gandalf would live until they yelled “Cut!” capturing the imagination of J.R.R. Tolkien on film, and Ian McKellen was alive once more.