This Multi-Media Gen fanzine is Baselines 4 GENpublished  by Starbase Kansas City.   The fanzine is in good condition with the usual wear and tear from reading. 

Issue 4: published in 1984, 108 pages long and contains:

Dedication "Foundations Felled" by Sherri R. Thurmond (3)

Dii Jii by Harriet Stallings (Star Trek) (8 pages)

Rebel Beginnings by Kim Webb (Star Wars) (4 pages)

My Kingdom For A Cupcake by Kay Johnson and Catherine Strand (reprinted from R&R #16) (Star Trek) (22 pages)

Sunset For A Warrior by Kristy Merrill (Battlestar Galactica) (4 pages)

Saurian Soliloquy by Carolyn Smith (45)

Things Star Fleet Didn't Tell You (46)

Just A Grain Of Sand by Sherri R. Thurmond (Star Wars) (28 pages)

Honor by Patt Demetri (79)

Alien Portfolio (81)

Zaphod Beeblebrox by Jann Frank

Centaur Harpist by Lucy Synk

The Great Psyche-Out by Jan Gephardt

Alien Soldier by Richard Bartholomeau

Goodbye by Lisa Spiller

Unicorn by Kristy Merrill (80)

Dochandoris by Sandy Sapatka (83) (Star Trek) (6 pages)

The Night Of The Displaced by Maureen Holton (Wild Wild West crossed with Star Trek) (9 pages)

Beyond The Door by CarolMel Ambassador (Star Trek) (4 pages)

Questions? by Sandy Sapatka (103)

Close Encounters Of The Vorst Kind by J.M. Joyce (E.T.) (4 pages)

Memories by Kathy Keene (108)

art by Kendis Chase, Ralph E. Cochran, Dorothy Durrenberger, Jann Frank, Russ Hodge, Sat Nam Kaur, Marilyn Moriey, Jan Northern, Melody Rondeau, Joan Sailler, Randal Spangler (front cover), Lisa Spiller, Catherine Strand, Gennie Summers (back covers), Lucy Synk

 Please don't hesitate to email with questions.