Genuine Angel Aura Pendulum
Certified By Our Graduate Gemologist

This Pendulum is 1. 4/10" (3.5 cm) in length and comes on a 11" (28 cm) chain
A Beautiful Pendulum that fits comfortably in your hand  !!!
The Pendulum is an ancient divination tool used as far back as 2000 BC
by the Egyptians, Hebrews, Chinese and many other cultures.

How a Pendulum works is that it bridges the gap between
the left side (analytical) of the brain and the right side (intuitive) or the subconscious and the conscious.

It actually uses you as the store house of all information and
pulls out the answers to your questions.
We are all of the one mind so we do know all information and can tap into this source.
This storehouse of information is also called the Akashic Records.


Angel Aura

Angel Aura is high grade clear quartz infused with Gold , Silver & Platinum

Metaphysical Properties

Manifestation of Pure Joyful Energy !

Enhances Flowing gentle energy that can open one's intuition to help remember our connection with the Divine.

Soothes the Aura and enhances the light body which balances the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual energy grids.

Clears Negativity

Creates Clarity of thought.

Increases Energy in the Body

Chakras : All


Clear Quartz The Gemstone of New Beginnings can be used to increase energy in the body,

amplify our thoughts and helps us focused on what we desire.

Certified by our Graduate Gemologist.

Jewelry with a Healing Purpose!

We Do Combined Shipping Rates !

Clear Quartz The Gemstone of New Beginnings can be used to increase energy in the body,
amplify our thoughts and helps us focused on what we desire.

We Do Combined Shipping Rates !

The Pendulum is an ancient divination tool used as far back as 2000 BC

by the Egyptians, Hebrews, Chinese

 and many other cultures.

How a Pendulum works is that it bridges the gap between

the left side (analytical) of the brain and

 the right side (intuitive) or the subconscious and the conscious.

It actually uses you as the store house of all information and

 pulls out the answers to your questions.

 We are all of the one mind so we do know all information and

can tap into this source.

This storehouse of information is also called the Akashic Records.

Directions how to use a Pendulum.

Clear your mind, calm your emotions, and take a few deep breaths.

Hold the pendulum by its chain or cord using your thumb and index finger.

 Simply let it hang and experiment by gently swinging it back and forth,

 up and down, clockwise and counterclockwise.

Now ask the pendulum which direction means

 yes and then which direction means no.

Once you have determined the direction of yes and no,

you then can start to ask your questions.

Keep your questions to a simple yes or no answer

The Pendulum can also be used for measuring the Aura,

 finding blockages in the Chakra system and

Muscle Testing as well as finding lost objects.

Click on our E-Bay Store for more Aura Quartz and other unique and interesting items. 

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