Enormous bulbs can grow up to 1 lb.! Has a milder, mellower flavor.

Full Description

Elephant garlic prefers a long, cool growing season and is best planted in early fall. The larger the planted clove, the larger the bulb it will produce, and these cloves are huge. You'll harvest enormous bulbs that are up to 4" wide and 3" long! Delicious mild flavor. Harvest fall planted garlic the following season, late spring or early summer, about 240 days from planting. Harvest spring planted garlic the same season, about 90 days from planting. Averages 2 cloves per bulb.

Where to Plant Garlic

Garlic should be planted in a spot not recently used for garlic or other plants from the onion family. Do not plant garlic in areas where water can collect around the roots, causing them to rot or become diseased.

Soil Preparation for Garlic

Garlic should be planted in a fertile, well-drained soil. A raised bed works very well. Remove stones from the top 6 inches of soil. Work several inches of compost or well-rotted manure into the bed, along with 10-10-10 fertilizer.

How to Plant Garlic

Planting garlic is relatively simple. Separate cloves. Space the cloves 4-6" apart. Rows should be spaced one foot apart. The cloves should be planted with the pointed end up and the blunt end down. Push each clove 1-2" into the ground, firm the soil around it, and water the bed if it is dry.

When to Plant Garlic

Fall Planting

Plant cloves in mid-autumn in a sunny location with rich, well-drained soil. Set cloves root side down 4-6" apart in rows 1-1/2 to 2' apart, and cover with 1-2" of fine soil. In the North, put down 6" of mulch for winter protection. Garlic may begin growth late in fall or early in spring.

Spring Planting

Plant cloves as early in spring as soil can be worked, about the same time as onion sets. Spring planted garlic should be put in the ground in the same manner as in the fall.

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