Thuja occidentalis is conical to narrow-pyramidal, often single-trunked, evergreen tree. It is often used for hedges, screens, and foundation plants. It needs full sun, likes high humidity but can be grown in virtually any soil. It doesn't mind pruning or high pH. This is a slow growing tree that reaches 25 to 40 feet in height and spreads to about 10 to 12 feet wide. It is often found in the wild in low areas, wet forests and swamps and less frequently in some dryish sites. Mature trees may reach 40 to 60 feet tall in the wild over time. Scale-like, aromatic, yellow-green to dark green foliage appears in flattened sprays. Erect seed cones (1/2 inch long) are not particularly showy. Red-brown bark will exfoliate on mature branches and trunks. 
Zone: 2 to 7
Growth Rate: Slow.
Height: 20 to 40 feet

First soaking the seeds in water for 24 hours.

Fully drain away all of the water and place the seeds in a zip-lock freezer bag. Place the seeds in the fridge at around 4 Celsius, it is important that during this period that the seeds do not dry out or are waterlogged otherwise the pre-treatment will be ineffective.

After around 8 weeks under these conditions the seeds are ready to be sown. It is possible for seed to begin germination at these low temperatures before the end of the pre-treatment period. If this happens you can sow the seed immediately.

In general, the seeds will fail to germinate unless treated in this way, simply sowing untreated seeds in compost at room temperature will not break down the dormancy and germination will be disappointing.

Fill your chosen container with a good quality general potting compost. Suitable containers could be plant pots, seed trays or plug trays or even improvised containers with drainage holes. Firm the compost gently and sow the seeds on the surface. If you are sowing in plug trays, sow 2 or 3 seeds per cell.

Cover the seeds with a couple of millimeters of vermiculite or failing that a fine layer of sieved compost. Follow with a gentle watering and keep them at room temperature.

Germination will begin a few weeks from sowing. The seedlings are reasonably robust and trouble free and usually grow to a height of between 3 and 6 cm in the first growing season depending on the sowing date and cultural techniques.

Densely sown seedlings of this species are especially at risk from fungal diseases such as “damping off” which can cause rapid loss of many seedlings. Effects of this disease can be limited by sowing at low density and watering only as required and try to maintain a dry surface on the compost. Chemical fungicides can also be sprayed as protection.

Developing seedlings should be fine in full sun, keep them well watered and free of competing weeds. Growth will accelerate in the second and subsequent years and the developing young trees should be re-potted as necessary preferably during the dormant season. After perhaps 3 years they are ready to be planted in their permanent position.

Fresh seeds are packed in ziplock bags! 

After payment has been received, the item will be shipped within 2 working days. Usually it takes 1-3 weeks for delivery, depends on the location. Some location may take longer. If you have any problems please contact us directly and we will be delighted to help. Your success is our success.