This poster has a well balanced composition betweenright and lelt sides.

Why is the combination of the colours red, black, and white so potent in design?

These colours are aposematic meaning used as warning colors in nature. There are several high contrast color combinations found in poisonous and venomous (and some fakers) snakes (see last pictures), frogs, insects and even some birds.

Animals, including humans, have a deep rooted reaction to these colors. They make you take notice. Your body can't help it. This is why these color combinations are used in advertising, roadside signs and so on.

Size: 50x37cm

Artist: V.V. Mikhailov

Made in 1988

Printing technique: offset

Publisher: Energoatomizdat

Circulation: only 5000 copies, in other words, this poster is a very rare rare item.

Made in Moscow, Soviet Union.

This is guaranteed 100% original Soviet period item manufactured in the USSR.

This is not a recent issue, replica or tourist souvenir.