This Star Trek TOS Anthology fanzine is "Sol Plus #4" GEN. Published by T'Kuhtian Press in 1977. It is 100 pages long and is in good condition with normal wear from being read.

Editorial: Tribble Dribble (iii)

You Are My Son (poem) by Brian Gray (1)

Kemper County Co-op by Stephen Kimmel (original SF) (3)

How to Get from Here to There in Nothing Flat, or, Can somebody Tell Me What the Hell I'm Talking About, article by J.R. Wilson ("What I am about to discuss is on the theoretical fringe of modern physics -- so far on the fringe, in fact, that few researchers have written much about it. And what has been written is frequently contradictory. Therefore, I feel free to take considerable liberties and rollout a few unsupported, highly questionable and potentially dingy theories of my own. As I tried to point out ~n "Damn Albert Einstein, Anyway" (Sol Plus 3), the basic problem with FTL flight as it is generally approached lies with the pesky factor of time. Too much, too little, too distorted -- all tend to limit the application of FTL flight in any reasonable exploration of space. Therefore, the obvious solution is to get around the time factor, neutralize it, so to speak. Is it possible? Perhaps.

And so to hyperspace (more or less).") (9)


It All Began With... by Frances Zawacky (12)

Graffiti (13)

Among the Ways to Babel by Jean Lorrah (NTM story; reprinted in NTM Collected #1) (14)

Treklett Showcase by Mark Wallace (45)

Sundered Duties by Jacqueline Bielowicz, Linda Deneroff and Frances Zawacky (Kraith story) (also in Probe #9 and Kraith Collected #6) (47)

Alas, Babylon by Sandra Gent (79)

Point-Counterpoint by J.R. Wilson & Stephen Kimmel (editorials on strengths and weaknesses of Star Trek) ("In SOL PLUS 2 we printed an article, "Star Trek... Or Star Trick?" in which author, J.R. Wilson, expounded a few of his favorite ideas of where the aired ST was in error. We promptly received a rebuttal from Steve Kimmel which was printed in SOL PLUS 3 as "What is Science Fiction?" This generated a heated (and slightly hostile) letter from Wilson to the editors which we handled in our usual courageous way: we sent Wilson and Kimmel each other's addresses and told them to go at it. The following debate is the result. This is a private debate, not a town meeting. Please do not send us ten-page rebuttals of both and/or either debator. If you would like to send in a sentence or two on what is said, we will print these in our "Sensor Readings," as room permits. As usual, the views of either debator are not necessarily those of the editors. We will continue the debate as long as interest is generated or for 10,000 words, whichever comes first.") (81)

Computer Fireflies by Stephen Kimmel (original SF) (88)

Sensor Readings, letters of comment (93)

You're Getting This Because (99)

Please don't hesitate to email with questions.