This is the next best thing to actually being on the set of the 1985 George Romero film, Day Of The Dead. I was a featured zombie in the film and was on the set for 8 days taking rare behind the scene photos. I put together this album that includes:
These 10 photos that I took on the set show a scene that never turned up in the film. After the Torrez head is ripped off (I was in that scene), Greg Nicotero (who has his fingers through the head's eye sockets) was to walk away carrying the head as it silently screamed and dripped blood. The photos show George Romero looking through the camera, which is on a dolly, and the tech who is operating the mechanics of the head (tubes hidden down Greg's back and through his sleeve). This scene took hours to set up and film but didn't make the final edit. BUT you can have it for your collection.

Also, you see George directing the zombies in one photo, zombie extras getting his autograph, Tom, Greg and George in the makeup room with the "head" discussing the scene, and several other great photos that have never been seen before.