Condition: New (Unused) - Mint MNH
Souvenir sheet - 4V

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The souvenir sheet is formed by four postage stamps that represent the four artistic pillars that were present in the Modern Art Week: literature, painting, music and architecture. Carybé influenced the pillar of Literature, in his illustrations made for the book Macunaíma. With a hint of irreverence, the main character is lying on Mário de Andrade’s glasses. In the pillar of Painting, the postage stamp was inspired by the work “À Sombra”, by Zina Aita, where the workers are motorcycle delivery men, characters in Brazilian daily lives in large urban centers. In Music, an allusion is made to “Trenzinho do Caipira” (Countrymen Little Train), a composition by Villa-Lobos, where a train travels on the keys of a piano, puffing music notes smoke and passing through a countryside inspired by the colors of Anita Malfatti’s works. In Architecture, the MASP (São Paulo Museum of Art) is highlighted, in whose collection there are several works by the Modernists, and in the background the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, stage of this important event. In the right center of the souvenir sheet there is a already grown tree in reference to the one created by Di Cavalcanti for the event poster. Illustrations inspired by the works of Tarsila do Amaral are elements of connection between the postage stamps and giving motion to the entire composition. The background of the souvenir sheet, in silver, shows a mosaic with different patterns that refer to the mix of Brazilian culture: Yoruba patterns, Ipanema sidewalk, São Paulo sidewalks, Marajoara ceramics, the tiles of the São Luís mansions and the tiles of Cândido Portinari. Finally, there is a QR Code, which leads to a special website created by the Brazilian Institute of Museums (IBRAM), where it is possible to get more information about the 1922 Modern Art Week, find out more works and walk through the history of this very important Movement in the national cultural scene.

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