Elsa Torino Boutique, Via Carlo Alberto 12/h

Brand:    john galliano

Template: leather jkt

Description: leather jacket, with zip closure, knit cuffs and profiles, gazette print cotton lining

Color: blue

Material: skin


Brand:   john galliano

Style:   leather jkt

Description:  leather jacket with zipper closure, cuffs and profiles mesh, cotton lining press gazettes

Color:  blue

Material:   100% leather, cotton

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Brand:    john galliano Template: leather jkt Description: leather jacket, with zip closure, knit cuffs and profiles, gazette print cotton lining Color: blue Material: skin   Brand:   john galliano Style:   leather jkt Description:  leather jacket with zipper closure, cuffs and profiles mesh, cotton lining press gazettes Color:  blue Material:   100% leather, cotton Created by Turbo Lister Free tool to sell your items. Put your items up for sale quickly and easily and manage your current listings.