I do apologise for rise in price for samples but Royal Mail unexpectedly raised their prices up to 15% !! 
Just to post it costs at the moment £1.55.
I try my best to keep my prices as low as possible.

It is cheaper to buy in bulk as multi-buy saving added to the listing.
Love xxx

You can get your sample just for £2.99! Try it out first and then decide if you like this exact scent. It's very hard when we buy something and then don't like it. No need to worry anymore, our samples are 1.4ml so you not overpay for something you might not like. But I am sure- you will fall in love with our Federico Mahora perfumes 💌 

This listing is for Pure Collection fragrances only!
For HER and for HIM

Get >>PURE ROYAL collection samples<<

press above link or find in my other listing
for other samples