This is a new CD of Volume 5 Returning Home:Transatlantic Migration From North America to Britain & Ireland 1858-1870 by James P. Maher.

This CD retails for over $39.00

This CD-ROM is a must for all those studying migration from North America to Britain, Ireland and Continental Europe, as well as the passenger ships that carried them. The CD contains extensive details on over 42,000 passengers who traveled to Britain and Ireland ... 

The records compiled on this CD-ROM provide a valuable insight into transatlantic passenger travel during the period 1858-1870. Owing to the threat of a Fenian uprising in Ireland, and because of the large amounts of Irishmen living in America, Dublin Castle ordered that the incoming passenger lists for all the major ports of Britain and Ireland, of passengers arriving from America, be submitted to them for scrutiny. The American Civil War, 1861-1865, only made the threat from America more real in government officials’ eyes.

However, Irish names are just one part of this collection. Scottish, English and Americans names were also recorded. The figures breakdown as follows:

Irish 27% 

English 27% 

Scottish 30% 

Americans 1% 

Others 15% 

As well as providing details on the names of individuals you can also discover in which class they travelled, their final destination, age, marital status and even occupation. It is the most complete list known to exist. It includes: 

Over 42,000 names and details of passengers 

Information on over 150 ships 

And the 815 voyages undertaken 

Help files and detailed introduction 

System Requirements

Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, SE, ME, 2000, XP or higher. 

Minimum IBM compatible Pentium 166Mhz with 32MB RAM 

Publishing Platform: 

Visual Basic