1578 History of JUSTIN Pompeius Trogus Macedonia ROME Augustus French/Latin 2v


Justin was a 2nd-century Roman historian, whose work was largely taken from that of Pompeius Trogus. Justin covered the history of Macedonia, focusing on the time of Augustus Caesar in Rome and the rise of the Macedonian Empire. This highly coveted 1578 edition of Justin was translated and edited by Nicolas du Mont who included both the Latin and French translations in parallel.


Item number: #21887

Price: $950




Les oeuvres contenant xliiii livres tirez des histoires universelles de Trogue Pompee


A Paris: Chez Claude Micard...Bruneau, 1578.



·       Collation: Complete with all pages; 2 tomes

o   Vol. 1 – 8 leaves, [32], 216 leaves

o   Vol. 2 – 217-318 leaves; [4], 135 leaves, [2]

·       References: USTC 59129

·       Language: Latin / French in parallel

·       Binding: Leather; tight and secure

·       Size: ~5in X 3.25in (12.5cm x 8cm)


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