We will ship the item with DHL Express in 2-5 days.
It usually arrives in 10 days in the destination country.

DHL Express will contact you and schedule the delivery!
This product is big and expensive and won't be left on your doorstep!

Comes with Flight Case!

A simple and effective way to bring a photo booth to any event or occasion.
Fast and easy to set-up while offering impressive, high-quality photos!

It is very easy to assemble the photo booth in just 10 minutes.

What is included?

- Photo booth shell
- Mini computer (i7)
- Touchscreen display

What else do you need?

- DSLR Camera
- Camera A/C power adapter
- Photo booth Software
- Printer


In some cases, we may provide you with the option to return an item by contacting us directly.
If "we" or any of our customer service representatives approve your return request, your payment will be refunded to your original payment method as part of our return cycle.
Such a return may be requested within 48 hours of receipt of the product, and if we receive your return request after 48 hours, we are under no obligation to honor your return or refund request. The customer is responsible for the cost of returning.


• In some countries CUSTOMS TAXES MAY APPLY - we cannot pay the customs taxes for you.