Kessil A360X Refugium LED Light Fixture with Narrow Reflector


The Kessil A360X Series Lights. Low Profile. Advanced Color Control. Smart Communication.

Kessil's widely popular A360X series has now introduced a new model --the A360X Refugium-- designed specifically for growing soft corals, macroalgaes, flowering plants, and terrestrial plants in a refugium setting.

Created for use in harsh sump environments, the new A360X Refugium is water-resistant and includes a complimentary Kessil Narrow Reflector to prevent unwanted light spillage.

The A360X Refugium is also compatible with the Kessil WiFi Dongle and the Spectral Controller X (both sold separately), so you can daisy-chain it to your main tank lights and program each independently for seamless control from a single source.

Superior Illumination:

  • Blue Spectrum - 
The Blue spectrum quickly develops the frame of a plant during every stage by promoting prolific stem extension. Use this for refugiums with predominantly soft corals (pulsing xenia, etc).
  • Grow Spectrum - 
The Grow spectrum is designed to produce all-around vegetative growth through the life cycles of many different Macroalgaes. Use this for refugiums with mostly macroalgae (including, but not limited to, cheato, caulerpa, gracilaria, and dragon breath).
  • Bloom Spectrum
 - The Bloom spectrum boosts yield by encouraging plentiful flowering during the plants crucial reproductive stage. Use this to promote growth in any flowering plants.
  • Red Spectrum
 - The Red spectrum is designed for tissue culture and cloning by producing maximum root growth at any point in a plant's life cycle. During the finishing stage, the red spectrum also increases the plant's productivity and the quality of the harvest. This wavelength is mostly used for terrestrial plant growth.
  • Daylight Mode - 
A pure white channel used for illuminating your sump during cleanings or taking photos.
  • Green Light Mode - 
Use the green light to monitor plants without disrupting the plant's growth cycle.

  • Increased Durability - 
Designed for the harsh sump environments, the A360X Refugium is water-resistant.
  • Vortex Fan
 - Our innovative heat management system enhances longevity and cooling efficiency.
  • Dense Matrix LED - 
Our densely-packed LED array emits more high-quality light than competing fixtures.


  • WiFi
 - Compatible with the Kessil WiFi Dongle and the Spectral Controller X. Daisy-chain your A360X Refugium to your main tank lights and program it independently for seamless control from a single source.
  • Manual Mode - 
Instantly tune color and intensity for on-demand light customization.
  • Quick Set - 
Program your A360X Refugium to come on at night after your tank lights go off.
  • Daylight Mode - 
Quickly change to Daylight mode to view your Refugium in white light for viewing or cleaning.

Kessil Narrow Reflector
 - The A360X Refugium includes a Narrow Reflector that will prevent unwanted light spillage in your sump. The Narrow Reflector attachment increases the penetration of the light up to 5 feet and reduces spread to 24"x 24" from the standard 36" x 36".

What's in the Box:
  • 1x A360X Refugium
  • 1x Narrow Reflector
  • 1x Power Adapter
  • 1x AC Adapter Cable
  • 1x DC Extension Cable
  • 1x Hanging Ring
  • 2x Metal Screw Hook
  • 2x Hanging Bracket