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English: Please also note our other CD / DVD / vinyl auctions and offers from the areas of jazz, classical, pop, rock, world music and the world of film, some of rarities and special items, as well as much more soon more!

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Please also note the information on flat-rate items, price and shipping at the end of the item description.

Musik spricht nur eine Sprache!
Music only speaks one language!・Scroll down to find the English translation

Musica Mystica II・Authentische Klänge aus Mittelalter und Renaissance・Huelgas Ensemble・Paul Van Nevel・℗©1995 Sony Music Entertainment and Sony Music Classical

Hergestellt in Deutschland

Zustand: Alle Teile so gut wie neu!.

Informationen zu Werken und Musikern

Das Huelgas Ensemble ist eine belgische Gruppe für Alte Musik, die 1971 vom flämischen Dirigenten Paul Van Nevel gegründet wurde. Die Aufführungen und die umfangreiche Diskographie der Gruppe konzentrieren sich auf die Polyphonie der Renaissance. Der Name des Ensembles bezieht sich auf ein Manuskript polyphoner Musik, den Codex Las Huelgas.

Van Nevel ist bekannt für seinen Stil, viele Stücke mit den Sängern und sich selbst in einem großen Kreis rotierend aufzuführen, sowohl bei Live-Auftritten (wie beim Rheingau Musik Festival, wo die Kirchenbänke vom Boden der Basilika von Schloss abgeschraubt werden mussten Johannisberg 2005) und in Aufnahmen um das über der Mitte schwebende Mikrofon.

2009, nach 8 Jahren bei Harmonia Mundi von Bernard Coutaz, kehrte die Gruppe zur Sony Classical Group zurück, die diesen Anlass mit der Neuauflage einer 15-CD-Reissue-Box feierte.

Liste der Musikstücke

1・Ex illustri nata prosapia・Codex Las Heulgas (13. Jh.)・5:3%
2・En seumeillant・Trebor (14. Jh.)・2:52
3・Altissonis aptatis - hin principes・Musik am Hofe Gaston Febus (1331 - 1391)・6:07
4・Si doulcement me fait amours・Musik am Hofe Koenig Janus in Nikosia (1374 - 1432)・6:42
5・Osanna・Musik am Hofe König Janus・1:27
6・Madonna oymè・Costanzo Festa (ca.1490 - 1545)・1:52
7・Quis dabit oculis nostris・Costanzo Festa・5:47
8・Oime il bel viso / Discolorato hai・Spirito I'hoste da Reggio (15. Jh.)・6:00
9・Fuggi'l soreno・Anonym・2:54
10・Et exultavit・Nicolas Gombert (ca. 1500 - ca. 1557)・1:55
11・Mirabilis misterium declaratur・Jacobus Gallus (1550 - 1591)・3:33
12・Klagelieder zum Gruendonnerstag・João Lourenco Rebelo (ca. 1610 - 1661)・12:49
13・Credidi propter・João Lourenco Rebelo・3:13
14・Que bien siente Galatea・Manuel Machado (1590 - 1646)・2:02
15・Dos estrellas le siguen・Manuel Machado・3:48
16・Laetatus sum・Antonio Pinheiro (ca. 1550 - 1617)・4:47
17・Peccavi fateor・Michael Praetorius (ca. 1571–1621)・3:32

Gesamtspielzeit 75:58

Paul Van Nevel: Huelgas Ensemble

Hinweise zu Angebot und Versandkosten

Unser Angebot stammt aus der Auflösung einer Sammlung von Büchern, CDs, Schallplatten und DVDs und einigen anderen Dingen.

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Deutsche Post:
Großbrief ≤ 500 g・35,3 x 25 x 2 cm・Ø 3-5 Tage・€ 1,60 *

Päckchen・≤ 25kg・längste + kürzeste Seite ≤ 37cm・Ø 2-5 days
・€ 3,81 **・Abholung im Hermes-Paketshop
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Paket・≤ 2kg・60 x 30 x 15cm・Ø 1-2 Tage・€ 5,69 ***


Deutsche Post:
Großbrief・≤ 500 g・Länge + Breite + Höhe ≤ 90cm; keine Seite > 60cm – AUF IHRE EIGENE VERANTWORTUNG! -
1) ACHTUNG BITTE BEACHTEN! Hinweise des Verkäufers: "Deutsche Post Brief International・Groß/Maxi" am Ende/unter der Artikelbeschreibung・(in 14 Sprachen)
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Abweichungen sind - etwa wegen zwischenzeitlicher Anpassung der Versandkosten - möglich.

Translation to English

Musica Mystica II・Authentic sounds of the Middle Ages and Renaissance・Huelga's Ensemble・Paul Van Nevel・℗©1995 Sony Music Entertainment and Sony Music Classical

Made in Germany

Condition: All parts as good as new!.

Information on works and musicians

The Huelgas Ensemble is a Belgian early music group founded in 1971 by Flemish conductor Paul Van Nevel. The group's performances and extensive discography focus on Renaissance polyphony. The ensemble's name refers to a manuscript of polyphonic music, the Codex Las Huelgas.

Van Nevel is known for his style of rotating many pieces with the singers and himself in a large circle, both in live performances (such as at the Rheingau Musik Festival, where the pews had to be unscrewed from the floor of the basilica of Schloss Johannisberg 2005) and in recordings around the mic hovering over center.

In 2009, after 8 years with Bernard Coutaz's Harmonia Mundi, the group returned to the Sony Classical Group, which celebrated the occasion with the reissue of a 15-CD reissue box.

List of music tracks

1・Ex illustri nata prosapia・Codex Las Howling (13th century)・5:3%
2・En seumeillant・Trebor (14th century)・2:52
3・Altissonis aptatis - hin principes・Music at the court of Gaston Febus (1331 - 1391)・6:07
4・Si doulcement me fait amours・Music at the Court of King Janus in Nicosia (1374 - 1432)・6:42
5・Osanna・Music at the Court of King Janus・1:27
6・Madonna oymè・Costanzo Festa (ca.1490 - 1545)・1:52
7・Quis dabit oculis nostris・Costanzo Festa・5:47
8・Oime il bel viso / Discolorato hai・Spirito I'hoste da Reggio (15th century)・6:00
9・Fuggi'l soreno・Anonymous・2:54
10・Et exultavit・Nicolas Gombert (c. 1500 - c. 1557)・1:55
11・Mirabilis misterium declaratur・Jacobus Gallus (1550 - 1591)・3:33
12・Lamentations for Maundy Thursday・João Lourenco Rebelo (ca. 1610 - 1661)・12:49
13・Credidi propter・João Lourenco Rebelo・3:13
14・Que bien siente Galatea・Manuel Machado (1590 - 1646)・2:02
15・Dos estrellas le siguen・Manuel Machado・3:48
16・Laetatus sum・Antonio Pinheiro (ca. 1550 - 1617)・4:47
17・Peccavi fateor・Michael Praetorius (ca. 1571–1621)・3:32

Total playing time 75:58

Paul Van Nevel: Huelga's Ensemble

Notes on the offer and shipping costs

Our offer comes from the liquidation of a collection of books, CDs, records and DVDs and some other things.

We don't just "spit" our articles on the Internet, but where it seems appropriate to us, we try to provide additional background knowledge and always translate into English, sometimes into several languages. We charge a flat rate of EUR 1.50 per item for inspection, cleaning, photography of the item and other services.


Feel free to ask us about other shipping options before purchasing. We ship - as far as possible - according to your wishes. Please also note our "Notes from the seller", especially the shipping option "DEUTSCHE POST (GROSS-/MAXI-)BRIEF INTERNATIONAL"1). These instructions can be found at the end/below the item description.

Our tip!

Do you want to save on expensive shipping costs? Especially in non-EU countries? Maybe even do a little something for climate protection?

Before you buy this item, consider: Are there any of your friends, relatives and contacts who are or live in Germany / Europe? If so, maybe someone from this group can bring this item with them on a trip home, then only national or European shipping costs will apply (compare the shipping costs below). You would just need to provide another appropriate shipping address. Within Germany, the delivery - depending on the shipping method - for example to the hotel where your contact is staying, usually takes no longer than 1-3, maximum 5 days. Nothing changes in the payment process.

Tracking and insurance

Since the eBay default settings for the shipping options do not allow for any detailed information on "with or without tracking and insurance option", here are the following (*) markings for all shipping options listed below:
* means without tracking and insurance
** means with tracking and insurance up to 50 euros
*** means with tracking and insurance up to 500 euros


German postal service:
Large letter ≤ 500 g・35.3 x 25 x 2 cm・Ø 3-5 days・€ 1.60 *

Parcel・≤ 25kg・longest + shortest side ≤ 37cm・Ø 2-5 days
・€ 3.81 **・Pick up at Hermes parcel shop
・€ 4.44 **・Door delivery

Package・≤ 2kg・60 x 30 x 15cm・Ø 1-2 days・€ 5.69 ***


German postal service:
Large Letter・≤ 500g・Length + Width + Height ≤ 90cm; no side > 60cm – AT YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY! -
1) ATTENTION PLEASE NOTE! Seller's notes: "Deutsche Post Brief International・Groß/Maxi" at the end/below the item description・(in 14 languages)
・worldwide・Ø 3-14 days・€ 5.10 *

Package XS ・≤ 2kg・35 x 25 x 3cm
・European Union・Ø 3-5 days・€ 7.70 *・€ 10.51 **
・Great Britain and Switzerland・Ø 5-7 days・€ 13.05 *・€ 17.76 **
・British Isles (Alderney, Guernsey, Herm, Jersey, Jethou, Sark), Canary Islands, World・Ø 7-21 days・€15.40*・€20.11**

Deviations are possible - e.g. due to interim adjustment of shipping costs.