Effect of Ripeness and Cultivar on Puree Characteristics of Tomato

Effect of Ripeness and Cultivar on Puree Characteristics of Tomato

N.C. Swathi Sirisha,D. L. Kusuma

Autore: N.C. Swathi Sirisha,D. L. Kusuma
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 104
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-01-31
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Tomato, one of the most versatile crops is consumed largely as fresh produce and processed products. Being climacteric in nature ripening of fruit affects quality and marketability; hence longevity is a desirable trait. Processed products like puree increase tomatoes utility and availability. But processability depends on cultivar and degree of fruit ripening. In this study, we evaluated few characteristics of tomato puree using a combination of physical, chemical and organoleptic tests. These tests were aimed to determine the characteristic difference between cultivars and suitability of over ripe fruits for puree processing. Then by using statistical methods in combination with evaluated characteristics, we estimated that degree of ripeness significantly affects the processability and puree properties rather than cultivar. We put forward that excessively ripened fruits are also suitable for puree processing.