The European Union and Azerbaijan Relations

The European Union and Azerbaijan Relations

Ismayil Isayev

Autore: Ismayil Isayev
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 88
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-02-20
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The work seeks to study the major rationale and development of the relations between the EU and Azerbaijan, with the following key questions: What is the inspiring essence of the relationship between the EU and Azerbaijan? Do the entities strive to achieve integration based on European values or simply pursue their economic benefits? As of theoretical framework, the author finds geopolitical accounts, Mackinders Heartland theory in particular, suitable, since both subjects of the research geographically fall under the categorization of Mackinders Pivot area. Additionally, theoretical part includes constructivist theory in a bid to examine the essence of the EU integration with neighbours through designed programs. The book particularly focuses on the historical development of the relations the EU Neighborhood Policy and energy cooperation perspectives. Moreover, challenges and risks, great power relations as well as political competition of major actors in the region were analyzed.