World Mathematics and World Relationships in Fuzzy Topological Spaces

World Mathematics and World Relationships in Fuzzy Topological Spaces

Sadanand N. Patil

Autore: Sadanand N. Patil
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 300
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-07-06
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Achievements And Awards In Abroad : Young Scientist (DST). Malayasia, 20102011, International Conference On Mathematics And Statistics Held At KualaLampur, Malayasia In 3 5, November 2010 2011. Selected as Senior Scientist from DST, Delhi, to attend IAENG conference London, U.K. on July 6 9, 2011 2012. (DST). ABROAD PRESENTATION : Presented 05 (FIVE) Papers In International Conference in Abroad, Presented 42 (FOURTHY Two) Papers In Various National and International Conferences.Published 42 (THIRTY Two) Papers In Various International Reputed Journals. Presently guiding to 6 Ph.D. Research Scholars.