Motivating Factors for Clothing Selection among Female Teachers

Motivating Factors for Clothing Selection among Female Teachers

Esther Laurinda Akomaning

Autore: Esther Laurinda Akomaning
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 124
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-07-15
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Clothing is life. What a person puts on depicts the personality. Ones appearance cannot be overemphasised as it gives good or bad impression about people. The book focuses on why people put on what they wear. It recommends the various factors that influence clothing selection. It intends to show how teachers as role models get influenced in the selection of clothing. The factors identified would be beneficial to school administrators, female teachers, students and parents. Additionally, the book can be a source document for counsellors on decent dressing. The motivators for clothing selection would generally help people to create good impression through dressing.