Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Demeke Afework Tessema

Autore: Demeke Afework Tessema
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 164
Data Pubblicazione: 2014-02-09
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

In spite of the differences in definition of entrepreneurship, there are common aspects such as risk taking, creativity, independence, and rewards. Entrepreneurship is currently being embraced by educational institutions, governments, societies, and corporations. Schools are increasing their emphasis on entrepreneurship in terms of courses and academic research. In Europe many universities have started programs in entrepreneurship. There has also been an increase in academic research, endowed chairs and centers of entrepreneurial activity. Governments have also promoted the growth of entrepreneurship. Individuals are encouraged to form new businesses and provided tax incentives, roads, and a communications system to facilitate this creative process.