Strategic Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance

Strategic Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance

Nivin Abdelmeguid

Autore: Nivin Abdelmeguid
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 132
Data Pubblicazione: 2014-04-10
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The central challenge facing Human Resource Management has been always to provide a set of services that make sense in terms of the organizations strategic plan. These services include innovative recruitment and selection strategies, provision of career development opportunities, competitive salaries and policies that reward superior performers and hold lowperforming employees accountable. This book represents a case examining the relationship between strategic Human Resource management's various patterns and practices and organizational performance outcomes in one of the rapidly growing nonprofit organizations in Egypt. Based on results, policy recommendations were suggested for immediate implementation within the Egyptian private, public and nonprofit sectors in order to secure HR management systems those are leveraged strategically to have a significant impact on organizational performance and contribute to creating and sustaining a competitive advantage for the firm.