New Paradigms of Environmental Science in the Businesses

New Paradigms of Environmental Science in the Businesses

Amar Dhere,Goraksh Pondhe

Autore: Amar Dhere,Goraksh Pondhe
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 188
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-01-12
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The book New Paradigms of Environmental Science in the Businesses has been written for the Environmental Science as well as Business Study courses and is highly useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students. This book covers the approaches and the key concepts related to business environment, types of environment, relation of environment aspects with the developing economies. This book covers the stories of problems of growth in India, unemployment, economics of poverty, regional imbalance, inflation, industrial sickness in India. The chapter in this book covers the environmental factors affecting on the businesses. Issues of natural resources and its sustainability are well narrated in this book. This book discusses, how to analyse the environmental issues related to business, green house gases, effects of climate change, Kyoto protocol, clean development mechanism, oil crises and its impact on business and pollution. This Book typically guided for one and all in the society especially on Environmental concerns occurs during going with economic development through the businesses.