Mobile Application Development for Universities Using Objective C

Mobile Application Development for Universities Using Objective C

Jasim Mohammed,Imad Jasim

Autore: Jasim Mohammed,Imad Jasim
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 68
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-03-03
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

There are more than 4 billion people own a mobile today more than 50% of those using the Internet service through a mobile and numbers are grown up, through these statistics we must devote part of the research and studies on the mobile and how its programming. In this Book, we will create an objective c application for iPhone operating system IOS specialized academic and scientific purposes for students at the University of Baghdad. This application helps the student in his study by receiving lectures, research and theses as well as the possibility to find out the grades and moreover, it facilitates the contact among the students and delivers notices to them. The application offers a range of services for students such as news, events, library and knowledge scores. All of these services need to continually update. And on this basis the application is designed as a client server system which it is through this system could be additions, deletions and modifications to the content.