Concept of Nature in William Wordsworth-s Poems

Concept of Nature in William Wordsworth-s Poems

Kate?ina Schwenznerová

Autore: Kate?ina Schwenznerová
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 56
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-12-07
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The work is focused on William Wordsworths theory of nature. The aim of the work is to analyze how Wordsworth perceives nature and what is his relation to it. The work is divided in three chapters. The first chapter deals with the definition of the notion nature, with Wordsworths development of perceiving of nature and with the main motives in his poems relating to his conception of nature. Next chapter discusses principal points of Preface to Lyrical Ballads, namely spontaneous overflow of the poets feelings, men of simple habits, Wordsworths language and his use of poetic figures. The last chapter handles with Tintern Abbey, summarizing the poets conception of nature, with its analysis and application of the theory of The Preface on Tintern Abbey. At the end of the chapter, the degree to which the poem is in accordance with The Preface is evaluated.