The Death of the Supermodel

The Death of the Supermodel

Jessica Chuan

Autore: Jessica Chuan
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 56
Data Pubblicazione: 2016-04-09
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

In this book, there are four principal areas of concern. They are the future of why need supermodels; who create supermodels; what if no more supermodels; and how future cyborg (Cybermodel) helps the growth in the future fashion business. These four questions is the best tool to integrate the issues and reflect the structure of the essay which is the four chapters: The Status and Power of Supermodels; The Ideal of Beauty; The New Form of Fashion Show; and Fashion Market Economy. Using the data sources, methods of data collection and interpretation and how the information drawn together to conclude that the death of supermodels is not a dream in the future.