Diabetic Footwear: Materials Choices and Design

Diabetic Footwear: Materials Choices and Design

Jerry I. Tagang,Robert Chen,Eujin Pei

Autore: Jerry I. Tagang,Robert Chen,Eujin Pei
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 336
Data Pubblicazione: 2016-06-09
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The incidence and prevalence rates of diabetes worldwide are increasing and foot complications are rising parallel. There is however lack of adequate knowledge about the role of appropriate footwear in the management of foot related problems among diabetic patients and health professionals. Many people use inappropriate footwear that might not provide the required protection and comfort for their feet. Therefore, this book gives authoritative information based on data obtained from health professionals, people suffering with diabetics, footwear materials specialists and footwear designers on this very important subject. The text is broad in scope ranging from diabetics, lower limb complications, footwear fitting, fastening mechanisms, and suitability of footwear materials and styles for diabetic feet. All health care providers concerned with the management of diabetics, footwear designers/ manufacturers, educationists and students will find Diabetic Footwear: Materials Choices and Design an invaluable text.