Studies on Special Topics in Haematology

Studies on Special Topics in Haematology

Clement Kurulemve Okpora

Autore: Clement Kurulemve Okpora
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 208
Data Pubblicazione: 2017-07-25
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book is an embodiment of research findings on some special topics in haematology. It answers haematological questions that are problematic to both Medical and non Medical persons in the society. It explains concisely each of the topics in the form of literature review, before the research methodology, research findings and discussions which makes it easy for the reader to understand and appreciate the contents. Relevant references were not omitted. It will serve as a good guide on how to write thesis and or dissertation and other research findings that can be published in both local and international journals. The book is therefore useful and recommended for use by both the medical practitioners mostly those in the field of haematology and students in the field of allied health professions.