Avian of Iraq: Taxonomy and Environmental Approaches

Avian of Iraq: Taxonomy and Environmental Approaches

Shahrazad Al-Shadeedi,Faris Al-Obaidi

Autore: Shahrazad Al-Shadeedi,Faris Al-Obaidi
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 216
Data Pubblicazione: 2017-10-20
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Text book of four chapters revealed a new taxonomy and environmental approaches of native avian in Iraq. Chapter 1: Egg morphology and chemical characteristics. Chapter 2: Blood proteins electrophoretic Pattern. Chapter 3: Blood components and enzymes. Chapter 4: Inorganic, microbial and miscellaneous contamination. This text book will be a good reference for avian biologist due to included new informations about many avian of Iraq, wild and domestic birds.