Kashmir Stag (Hangul) & Kashmir Musk Deer at Dachigam National Park

Kashmir Stag (Hangul) & Kashmir Musk Deer at Dachigam National Park

Dr. Junaid Malik

Autore: Dr. Junaid Malik
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 168
Data Pubblicazione: 2017-12-27
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Quantifying the relationships between the distributions of species and their biotic and abiotic environments has a long history in ecological research. This is particularly in the case of endangered species, where knowing how the species are distributed and their habitat requirements are important in management and conservation. Hangul deer (The pride of Kashmir) is battling for its survival in its last bastion under the moist temperate forests of Kashmir region. The deer is the only surviving race of the Red Deer family of Europe in the subcontinent and was recently declared as Least Concerned by IUCN in 2017. Kashmir Musk Deer, an endangered shy deer is seriously depleted over much of its range by uncontrolled exploitation for its musk. The two deer species show a very less or neglegible habitat overlap inside the National Park. Both the deers are of much concern. This book is framed to understand the status, distribution, abundance, sex ratio, dietary preferences, forage availability, habitat use pattern, conservation issues and to suggest the mitigation measures for the unique surviving viable population of Hangul Deer and Musk Deer in Dachigam National Park.