Application of a Modified Perceptron to Monitoring and Control

Application of a Modified Perceptron to Monitoring and Control

Mathews Chibuluma,Josephat Kalezhi

Autore: Mathews Chibuluma,Josephat Kalezhi
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 76
Data Pubblicazione: 2018-02-21
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

With all the excitement and hype about AI thats just around the cornerselfdriving cars, instant machine translation, can be difficult not to see how AI is affecting the lives of regular people from moment to moment. The concept of thinking machines have created unease by those who fear it will quickly evolve from being a benefit to human society to taking over. AI with good focus and investment would prove a great blessing to mankind in addressing various challenges facing the globe.