Latepaleozoic and Quaternary glacial periods. Discrown of glacial theory

Latepaleozoic and Quaternary glacial periods. Discrown of glacial theory

Vasily Chuvardinsky

Autore: Vasily Chuvardinsky
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 68
Data Pubblicazione: 2018-06-01
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The geological features of the PermoCarboniferous glaciation are based on the same criteria as for the Quaternary glaciation. The authors many years of research have proved that the exaration types of the relief of the Quaternary fiords, skerries, lake basins in bedrock, drumlins, foreheads, polished rocks, furrows on bedrock all this formed by the disjunctive dislocations. They occupy their normal place in the ensemble of paragenetic structures that accompany faulting. Extremly favorable conditions for the development of terrestrial vegetation were created in the Carboniferous period. And the climate of the Permian period was generally the warmest of the formerly dominant Paleozoic. The results of the drilling land ice (up to subglacial surface) in Antarctica and Greenland are of special, unique importance. It turned out that instead of morainecontaining ice mass, as if filled with huge blocks and boulders,only inclusions of sandyloamy and fineearth substance are recorded in the continental ice. An important function of glaciers is the conservation of the subglacial geologicaltopographic surface.