Impact of habitat on insect pollinator diversity on coriander bloom

Impact of habitat on insect pollinator diversity on coriander bloom

Manju Devi,Harish Kumar Sharma

Autore: Manju Devi,Harish Kumar Sharma
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 88
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-06-25
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

A book is written to provide text material on impact of habitat in insect pollinators diversity. All chapters are illustrative and well explained. Profusely illustrated with figures presentation and style gives the reader an insight to make it unique. Pollination is one of the most important mechanism in the maintenance and promotion of biodiversity and, in general, life on Earth. Insect pollination results in a uniform crop and improves the quality of fruit. Coriander is a minor crop grown for its aromatic seeds and oil used in the flavoring of food, drinks and as a medicine. Coriander is also used as a strip crop to attract pollinators in order to facilitate pollination of major crops. This strip crop planting is important in determining the occurrence and abundance of pollinators in a locality. Keeping in view, the attractiveness of crop to various insect pollinators, the book is written. It will help the reader to get knowledge about various aspects of pollination. Primarily intended for use by the researchers and students of entomology and environment sciences, it can also be used by agriculture departments, naturalists and workers in other related fields.