A Study of Acoustic Modes as a Source of Airframe Cavity Noise

A Study of Acoustic Modes as a Source of Airframe Cavity Noise

Thibault Estoueigt,Gareth Bennett

Autore: Thibault Estoueigt,Gareth Bennett
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 96
Data Pubblicazione: 2020-07-15
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Under certain conditions, flow excited cavities can generate large pressure fluctuations, undesirable noise and significant structural loads. This project is an experimental study of noise emissions of a cylindrical Helmholtz resonance with a high H/D ratio. These harmful sounds are becoming more and more of a concern in societies because they impact the value of the residential areas surrounding the airports and the health of their inhabitants. This master thesis provide a better understanding of acoustic modes and Helmholtz resonance and how they react when confronted to attenuation technics such as a mesh, a foam and a honeycomb liner.